I've had ample opportunity to practice Welcoming Prayer. A few months ago, I sinned against a friend, unintentionally hurting her. As sin often does, it propagated. Losing her friendship wasn’t the worst of it. Unfortunately, the ripples spread to our children.
I’ll be honest. When I first learned about welcoming prayer, it sounded like a New Age philosophy to me. I imagine my initial resistance was similar to those who think that spiritual disciplines and spiritual formation aren’t Christian but rather some sort of Eastern philosophy.
Have you ever noticed how frequently patterns repeat? Our world is filled with them. Perhaps you’ve heard of the Fibonacci Sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 … Any number in the sequence is calculated by summing the preceding two values: 1 + 1 = 2 (which gives the third Fibonacci number in the sequence), 1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 3 = 5, 5 + 8 = 13, and so on. When the Fibonacci numbers are calculated in terms of areas of rectangles, a Fibonacci spiral is formed by connecting opposite diagonals of the rectangles. You’ve seen this spiral pattern in nature.
Have you ever noticed how we’ve grown so used to a certain way of viewing common objects in our world that we’ve stopped really seeing their wonder?
In Evangelical circles, Christians talk about discipleship. Perhaps it's a word that has become so familiar that we don’t even reflect on its meaning anymore. Discipleship means to follow Jesus—to be his disciple. As his disciple, I learn from him and then live out what I learn.
The word spiritual formation is never mentioned in the Bible, so how can we know it's biblical and not just a New Age concept that has worked its way into Christian thought, understanding, and practice?