
Articles featuring Christ in Us

The Story of Our Life Speaks

Klyne Snodgrass begins his book Who God Says You Are: A Christian Understanding of Identity with this provocative statement: “There is only one question: Who are you? Everything else in life flows from that one question.” It’s true that who we are determines what we think about, how we feel in response to things, how we act, and even our belief about God’s identity. A. W. Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

Podcast Episodes featuring Awareness

Maisie Dobbs, Part 2 – The Spiritual Practices of Silence, Solitude, and Study

Length: 54 min Guest: Dr. Mimi Dixon

What can sitting in silence, solitude, and stillness teach us, and what does our body have to do with spiritual formation? Learn more on this episode, where Dr. Mimi Dixon, Renovaré Institute teacher and retired Presbyterian Pastor, and host Kristy Lahoda discuss how to remain calm and pay attention like Maisie Dobbs, in the book Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear, in the midst of life’s storms so that we can follow Jesus as he runs toward people in pain in order to be present to them with him.

Maisie Dobbs, Part 1 – A Conversation about Maisie Dobbs

Length: 32min Guest: Dr. Mimi Dixon

What can we learn from the layers of hardships—our own and those of others—we encounter? Find out on this episode, where Dr. Mimi Dixon, Renovaré Institute teacher and retired Presbyterian Pastor, and host Kristy Lahoda discuss how Maisie Dobbs, in the book Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear, learns to pay attention to everything and everyone around her while she works on a case, which enables her to not only better understand situations but also sense people’s needs and move toward them as she awaits the revelation of truth.

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A podcast by Becoming All Flame

Welcome to the Season 2 season finale of Fiction that Forms us!

How do we become more receptive and responsive to the work of the Spirit within our lives? In her first novel, Sensible Shoes, from the series of the same name, Sharon Garlough Brown takes her characters on a journey of practicing various spiritual disciplines. In this episode, I talk to author Sharon Garlough Brown about the spiritual disciplines of lament and confession within the Ignatian Examen. The spiritual practice is one of attentiveness that enables our receptivity by reviewing our day with God in two movements: consolation—where we noticed and responded to God today—and desolation—where we were unaware of, ignored, or rejected God during our day.

Recent Articles

The Story of Our Life Speaks

Klyne Snodgrass begins his book Who God Says You Are: A Christian Understanding of Identity with this provocative statement: “There is only one question: Who are you? Everything else in life flows from that one question.” It’s true that who we are determines what we think about, how we feel in response to things, how we act, and even our belief about God’s identity. A. W. Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

Practicing Welcoming Prayer

Kristy Lahoda

I've had ample opportunity to practice Welcoming Prayer. A few months ago, I sinned against a friend, unintentionally hurting her. As sin often does, it propagated. Losing her friendship wasn’t the worst of it. Unfortunately, the ripples spread to our children.

On Welcoming Prayer

Kristy Lahoda

I’ll be honest. When I first learned about welcoming prayer, it sounded like a New Age philosophy to me. I imagine my initial resistance was similar to those who think that spiritual disciplines and spiritual formation aren’t Christian but rather some sort of Eastern philosophy.